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Relationship Tips, Documentation, and Support

Quick-Start & Installation

  • Install the managed package into your desired environment 
  • The package will install itself along with a set of sample relationships and labels
    • You might want to customize these before first use, or adding your own
  • In Setup > Lightning App Builder, click on “New” to create a new lightning app page or edit an existing page.
    • If creating a new page:
      • Click: App Page then hit the next button, type a label like “Export Data, CSV, & Sync Admin” click nextChoose “One Region” for the style of app page, and click FinishDrag the sfPLUGINS_Relationship_Manager aura widget to the Add Components Here Section and click Save in the top right of the screen
  • Click the Activation button
    • Activate for system administrators only ( or use custom profiles and permissions to further control access to this page )
  • Click on Lightning Experience at the top of this screen and choose an app to display the App Page on, click Add Page To App, or customize as you wish.
  • Click Save
  • Go back to Salesforce and refresh your app page, you should now see the app as a tab at the top pf your screen.
  • Click on the app which will look something like: 
  • And click on the Login button 
  • The default username and password is randomly generated
    • Please use the recover password feature on the login page to get the username and password sent to SF Admins
  • Once logged in, click on Configuration Options and change the username and password.
  • The login screen has a “Forgot Username and/or Password” button – using this button will email the password to all system admins
  • From here:
    • You can view the documentation
    • Manage relationship definitions
    • Customize labels
    • Manage app options
      • Username and password
      • Login period in hours
      • Colors and borders
  • You will need at add the tree view or list view lightning component ( or both ) to any lightning record detail page
    • Such as Contact or Account record detail

Assigning Users to Edit/Create Relationships and Notes

The relationship manager setting can only be changed by a user logged into the Relationship Management Console ( Lightning Component )

Only users who belong to the sfp_rel_users or sfPlugins Relationship Users permission set can edit or create relationships. 

By default, the installing user is granted access.

To add/remove users:  

  • Setup > Permission Sets > sfPlugins Relationship Users ( view )
  • Setup > Permission Sets > sfPlugins Relationship Editors ( edit and create )
  • Setup > Permission Sets > sfPlugins Notes++ Users ( view )
  • Setup > Permission Sets > sfPlugins Notes++ Editors ( edit and create )
  • Click on manage assignments
  • Add or remove users


Let’s assume we have a relationship definition:

Parent <> Child


Left side = Parent

Link Phrase = of

Right Side = Child

Default (Relationship Definition) Labels :

Assuming a new relationship with no labels, or suffixes defined:

  • Displays as:      Parent of  < Right Side Salesforce Record Name >
  • And:                 Child of < Left Side Salesforce Record Name >

With Left Label – Mother defined:

  • Displays as:      Mother of  < Right Side Salesforce Record Name >
  • And:                 Child of < Left Side Salesforce Record Name >

With Right Label – Daughter  also defined:

  • Displays as:      Mother of  < Right Side Salesforce Record Name > ( Daughter )
  • And:                 Daughter of < Left Side Salesforce Record Name > ( Mother )

Two Labels On Each Side:

With Right Label – Daughter  and Right Suffix Step-child defined:

  • Displays as:      Mother of  < Right Side Salesforce Record Name > ( Daughter – Step-child )
  • And:                 ( Daughter – Step Child ) of < Left Side Salesforce Record Name > ( Mother )

Left Suffix in Braces (suffix):

With Left Suffix– Step-Parent  defined and no Left Label:

  • Displays as:      (Step Parent) of  < Right Side Salesforce Record Name > ( Daughter – Step-child )
  • And:                 Daughter of < Left Side Salesforce Record Name > ( Mother – Step-parent )

With Left Suffix– Step-Parent  defined and Left Label – Mother:

  • Displays as:      (Mother – Step Parent) of  < Right Side Salesforce Record Name >
  • And:                 Daughter of < Left Side Salesforce Record Name >

With Left Label – Hidden:

  • Displays as:      of  < Right Side Salesforce Record Name >
  • And:                 of < Left Side Salesforce Record Name >

No Labels At All:

With Left Label – Hidden and Link Phrase Hidden:

  • Displays as:      < Right Side Salesforce Record Name >
  • And:                 < Left Side Salesforce Record Name >

Known Issues:

Relationships – Known Issues

Troubleshooting the App:

Always back up your data and test in a sandbox environment.

  • User must belong to at least the view permission set for notes and relationships to see the component, this includes administrators.
  • Only accessible ( to the user ) fields and objects will be visible
    • Therefore some users may not see all relationships
      • Sharing and accessibility rules are followed
  • Roll-up fields
    • Relationship / Lookup names can be displayed with:
      • Custom_Object__r.Name
  • When all else fails you can log a support ticket ( 2 hours free with purchase of an app )